Yes Bert stayed true to his word and yesterday i recieved a package in the mail! Express post no less! People, this is not cleverly concocted computor magic- these are actual scans of the mail i recieved from australian tv's biggest (living) legend!Want more? Bert sent me a copy of "Channel 9 salutes Bert" on DVD. Don't bother asking to watch it- IT DOES NOT GO OUT ON LOAN! Envious? What a guy!
your blog rocks!
love Bert
2:54 PM
OK, so i wrote that.
2:55 PM
Bert!!!!!! There is no other!!!!
No other bert that it.
I cant believe the Bert brain was focussed on little janey hedley for a time!!!! Cherish that photo and dvd for all of time woman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(ps. v jealous - i want attention from The LEEEEEGGGGEEEEENNNNNNDDDD!)
3:51 PM
I offer $20 for the one with the house and the cat. please let me know Brenz..
6:56 PM
tutty, never buy retail! theres a black market- i've got a limited edition pic with people who have 3 hands- v. special!
10:11 PM
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